Local 749 Steward List

Northwest Region
work locations: Bantam, Bristol, Danbury, Litchfield, Waterbury, Torrington

Danielle Denedict
Regional Vice President
[email protected]


Steward neededAre you that Member? Contact your RVP to volunteer400 Grand St 

Kristina Macphail

[email protected]



Tino Sampaio 

[email protected]


Waterbury JD/GA#4

North Central Region

work locations: East Hartford, Enfield, Glastonbury, Hartford, Manchester

Kareem Davis 
Regional Vice President
[email protected]203-668-7755

Juvenile detention 
920 Broad St

Amanda Anderson

[email protected]


Juvenile detention 
920 Broad St

Mark Markland

[email protected]


Juvenile detention
920 Broad St

Travis Waldon

[email protected]


Juvenile detention 
920 Broad St

Julian Carraway

[email protected]


Juvenile detention
920 Broad St

Ted Montouri
[email protected]860-989-3941 Juvenile detention 
920 Broad St
Corrado Ganci[email protected]860-559-9606

Juvenile detention 
920 Broad St
Bryan Didonato[email protected]


Juvenile detention 
920 Broad St
Kiwan Kornegay[email protected]860-616-8087

Juvenile detention 
920 Broad St

Dave Castillo

[email protected]


GA 14  Hartford 
Steward NeededAre you that Member? Contact your RVP to volunteer.Ga 12   Manchester 

Steward Needed

Are you that Member? Contact your RVP to volunteer.

455 Windingbrook Dr.Glastonbury

Northeast Region

work locations: Danielson, Putnam, Rockville, Tolland, Vernon, Willimantic, Windham

Maribel Gomez
Regional Vice President
[email protected]646-436-0347Rockville
Steward NeededAre you that Member? Contact your RVP to volunteer?Contact President Ron NelsonRockville
Steward NeededAre you that Member? Contact your RVP to volunteer?Contact President Ron NelsonPutnam
Steward NeededAre you that Member? Contact your RVP to volunteer?Contact President Ron NelsonTolland

Central Region

work locations: Middletown, New Britain, Rocky Hill, Wethersfield

Regional Vice President
Are you ready to represent your region? Contact President Ron Nelson
Efrem Golden
Local Secretary-Treasurer
[email protected]203-668-6801
Office of the Chief State's Attorney,
Rocky Hill
Leslie Payne[email protected]860-951-6325
Middletown Court

Buffy Irizarry

[email protected]


New Britain
Steward Needed

Are you that Member? Contact President Ron Nelson

225 Spring St. Wethersfield

Southwest Region

work locations: Bridgeport, Norwalk, Stamford

Daniel Jaworski
Regional Vice President
[email protected]203-996-6420

Juvenile Detention, Bridgeport

Jesse Diaz

[email protected]


Juvenile Detention, Bridgeport

Are you that Member? Contact your RVP to volunteer.

GA #1 - Stamford

Are you that Member? Contact your RVP to volunteer.GA #1 - Stamford
Michael Rossini[email protected]203-470-1318 Bridgeport GA#2

Elizabeth Colon

[email protected]


1061 Main St, Bridgeport       

Steward NeededAre you that Member? Contact your RVP to volunteer.lafayette st, Bridgeport
Steward NeededAre you that Member? Contact your RVP to volunteer.Bridgeport JD

South Central Region
work locations: Derby, Hamden, Meriden, Milford, New Haven

John Lomax  Regional Vice President  

[email protected]


New Haven J.D.

Sotonye Otunba-Payne
Local Recording Secretary
[email protected]203-671-4789

New Haven J.D.

Jennifer Puffen

[email protected]


239 Whalley Ave New Haven
Daisy Vasquez[email protected]860-897-3586

50 W Main St., Meriden

Cloressa Goldson

[email protected]


235 Church St., New Haven
LaToya Jenkins[email protected]203-243-7831

121 Elm St., New Haven 
Patty Ardito[email protected]860-368-8860

121 Elm St., New Haven 
Diane barbera[email protected]203-530-3866

414 Chapel St., New Haven                 

Cheryl Curran

[email protected]


GA#5 - Derby
Debbie DeAngelo[email protected]203-494-3750 
414 Chapel St., New Haven

Southeast Region
work locations: New London, Norwich, Waterford

Maria Lindia
Regional Vice President
[email protected]860-889-5284

GA #21 - Norwich
Deanna Stewart[email protected]


Steward NeededAre you that Member? Contact your RVP to volunteer.New London
Steward NeededAre you that Member? Contact your RVP to volunteer.Waterford