FAQ: CRM Tentative Agreement
***Database and assignment committee questions cannot be answered at this time.
Click here to download pdf version of FAQ
1. Q: What if you are just shy of the two years?
A: Then once the employee reaches 2 years, they will be moved up to paygrade 15 using the round up method, not keeping the step they are currently in.
2. Q: How does the overtime work?
A: If the employee needs to work after regular hours to complete a state ordered transcript, they will be paid overtime to do it.
3. Q: How will overtime be monitored when doing non-billable transcripts at home?
A: Current contract language states no overtime can be earned at home. All overtime issues will be addressed by the committee(s) and in contract negotiations. The contract committee has proposals for working from home and telework/remote work which would include overtime. Everything will be status quo until the recommended changes are implemented.
4. Q: Is payment for billable transcripts going through the database?
A: No, there is no change with the payment for billable transcripts.
5. Q: Will the 20 pages per day for appeals still apply to privately ordered appeals?
A: 20 pages per day is statutory for all appeal transcripts.
6. Q: Is the seniority list for transcript assignment distribution a rotating list?
A: Yes.
7. Q: Why are employees who work anything less than 40 hours a week still considered part-time? What is Judicial's answer to that?
A: 40-hour position requires the OK from the Office of Policy and Management. Judicial can create permanent part-time positions without Executive Branch approval.
8. Q: How long will this agreement be in effect?
A: However long the parties negotiate it to be.
9. Q: When do the new procedures for producing transcripts take effect?
A: The first pay period after ratification the movement from pay grade 14 to 15 takes effect. Once the committee meets to make those decisions on the remainder of the agreement, it will take effect. Until then it is status quo.
10. Q: Are we required to do all our state work?
A: If a CRM is assigned a state transcript, yes, they must complete it
11. Q: What if judges just start ordering everything?
A: The Local will request a labor management meeting to address it
12. Q: What will likely happen if the vote on the tentative agreement is no?
A: The Branch will ask the legislature to change the state statute without the Union’s agreement. The Branch’s original plan was to have a private vendor do ALL the private work.
13. Q: What is meant by the word "generally" as it relates to the assignment of transcripts?
A: The CRM in the courtroom would be asked first to type the transcript. If circumstances preclude the CRM from typing it (vacation/sick leave, former/retired CRM) it could be assigned to another CRM in the JD.
14. Q: Is it not automatic that private transcript work would go to the monitor who heard the proceeding?
A: The CRM who was in the courtroom will be asked first. If they can’t, it could be assigned to another CRM in the JD.
15. Q: Does EVERYONE have to type transcripts under this agreement? Even those who currently do not type, regardless of the reason?
A: Not the billable work since it now takes place on the employee’s own time but yes to the state work. They can be required.
16. Q: How will the court assignments and the distribution of the non-billable transcripts be monitored?
A: The assignment committee will meet and come up with a distribution list. The employees will let the union know if there is any unfairness. The union will receive reports from the transcript ordering database.
17. Q: What duties will monitors be required to perform when not in session and not typing state transcripts?
A: You will be expected to perform the duties listed in your job description.
18. Q: Will there be layoffs?
A: We have been told there will be no layoffs.
19. Q: Will monitors be notified when their work is handed over to another monitor or outside vendor?
A: CRMs are required to indicate in their notes the details of when transcripts are completed.
20. Q: If the previously produced state transcript is ordered by a private party, at what rate do we charge?
A: You can charge the applicable copy rate for the transcript produced.
21. Q: What is the pay increase for those who are less than 40 hours? A: If you are eligible to go from CRM 1 to CRM 2 at the time the agreement is ratified, subtract your step on pay grade 14 from your step on pay grade 15 = your hourly increase.
22. Q: Are we getting raises this year?
A: The contract expires on June 30, 2021. We are currently in negotiations.
23. Q: Do we have a new vendor picked out?
A: No.